Release 2.0
Chart Advanced

How can I query the database?

  1. Simple keyword search: It is available, for convenience, at the top of each page in the site. It is a quick and easy way to search all or specific feature reports (sequence, gene, promoter, transcript, protein, SECIS and others) with a single keyword. No keyword will search and match all feature reports in the database and produce an ID list ordered first by species phylogeny, then alphabetically by family and subfamily name.
  2. Simple species/family search: It is available, for convenience, at the bottom of each page in the site. It provides a fast link to Gene reports for species selenoproteomes or selenoprotein families across species. By default (All species and All families), it will provide an ID list of all Gene reports, ordered first by species phylogeny and then alphabetically by family and subfamily name.
  3. Advanced search: It is available, for convenience, as a link at the top and bottom right of each page in the site under the name Advanced. It merges the two previous types of searches in a flexible and powerful searching schema that allows to query the feature reports by groups of common features. No selection will match all feature reports in the database and report a list of features IDs ordered first by species phylogeny and then alphabetically by family and subfamily name.
  4. SQL search: It is available through an anonymous MySQL account. Follow these steps to run your SQL queries:
    1. Install the mysql client for MySQL 5.0 or any later version
    2. To log into the database run the following command from a terminal:
              mysql -u anonymous -h -D selenodb -p
    3. Hit enter when prompted for a password
    4. Design your SQL query (the database schema may prove useful)
    5. Run your SQL query (you may not be able to save the query results in your local machine)
    6. Exit the database server with this command:
    7. To save the query results in a local file run the same SQL query directly from the terminal:
              mysql -u anonymous -h -D selenodb -p -e "your query here" -N > your_local_file
Chart Advanced