Release 2.0
Chart Advanced

Downloading the database annotations

Simply run your favourite query, make sure the results are what you want (the advanced query system may be of help here!), and hit the FASTA format button on top or under the feature IDs. Note that queries on:

  • Genes: will provide the annotated FASTA sequence for the whole gene (from promoter to 3'UTR).

  • Transcripts: will provide the annotated FASTA sequence for the whole transcript. This sequence can be further processed to obtain the 5'UTR, CDS and 3'UTR.

  • Promoters: will provide the annotated FASTA sequence for the promoter only.

  • Proteins: will provide the annotated FASTA sequence for the proteins only.

  • SECIS: will provide the annotated FASTA sequence for the SECIS only.

Note that you can use the Forward button to reverse complement sequences in reverse. The Reverse button will get those sequences back to their original strand (it does not affect sequences originally annotated in forward though). You can also extract the coding region (CDS) and untranslated regions (UTRs) from transcripts.

To save sequences in plain text just tick the text box, hit Go and choose save as text in your web browser.

On the other hand, the whole database in MySQL format can be donloaded from the Download section.

Chart Advanced